Facebook o suge

A facut fratili vostru ocazional cate o campanie de like-uri pentru diversi dubiosi, pa sistem „fa-ne tu manca-ti-as ca noi suntem praf”. Ba, totul a mers bine, veneau like-urile asa cum estimau ei. De exemplu, la o campanie de 4 lei/zi pe 2 saptamani veneau cam 250 – 300 like-uri ceea ce nu era atat de rau. Dar lucrurile s-au schimbat de cand au modificat interfata si acum pentru aceiasi campanie te alegi cu maxim 70 de like-uri. De la 30 bani/like s-a ajuns la 80 bani, aproape triplu!

Sucarit, le dau mail si uite ce raspuns primesc:

The reason for this is that you will never be able to get the exact same results even though you may have used the same targeting, budget or schedule.
Facebook advertising is based on an auction system.
So every time you advertise there are different advertisers who might want to reach the same target group you want to reach.
Therefore it can happen that in one week you will spend less money (because there are less advertisers wanting to reach your target group) and the next week you will spend more money (more advertisers) for the same amount of likes.

Ce vor ei sa spuna: ca ne-am gasit fix in acelasi timp mai multi idioti sa facem campanie pe aceiasi nisa.

Ce am inteles eu de fapt: ca vor mai multi bani, mi-e greu sa inghit vrajeala cu licitatia.

Mark, te-au jumulit pizdele si ai saracit ?

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